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WeeklyAdult Formation

Here at Christ the King, we are deeply committed to and passionate about living faithfully into our baptismal covenant by "continuing in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of the bread, and in the prayers." In addition to our Sunday morning Christian formation offerings, there are several opportunities for adult formation during the week. In each of the below offerings, there are opportunities to grow closer to God and to one another. 

Sunday 9:15 am
All Year Long

Adult Christian Formation Classes

Fellowship: 8:00 - 8:30 am
Bible Study: 8:30 - 9:30 am

Men's Breakfast & Bible Study - Sandefur Hall 

Bible Study and prayer.  We are currently studying The Gospel of Matthew. The Bible Study is led by Darold Smith, who is using William Barclay’s Commentary “The Gospel of Matthew.”  Contact Darold Smith for more information.

Sunday  9:15 - 10:15 am

Habits of the Household - Education Building Conference Room

“Habits of the Household” introduces simple habits and easy-to-implement daily rhythms that will help you find meaning beyond the chaos of family life as you create a home where kids and parents alike practice how to love God and each other.


Email Rachel Meyer for more information.

Wednesday 12:00 - 1:30 pm
Lunch Provided

Noonday Prayer, Lunch and Discussion

Join Fr. Richard every Wednesday for Noonday Prayer in the Church followed by lunch and discussion in Sandefur Hall.

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